Disabled Access
It’s really important to us that everybody enjoys Bristol Volksfest and we do as much as we can to assist our disabled visitors. It’s important to consider that the current venue is on a green field farm site. Although the ground is very flat and solid, there are no hard standing areas or concrete pathways around the main show area. The event is situated in open grass fields with a few lumps and bumps with some uneven surfaces that could make it tricky to get about.
Disabled Parking
There is a disabled parking area at the front of the main car park. Please follow signs for ‘Day Visitors’ when approaching the site. This is the closest place to park to the main show site but please note that this is still situated about 300-400 metres from the show entrance. To park in the disabled parking area, visitors must present a legitimate disabled parking permit in the window of their vehicle. Spaces cannot be pre booked and are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Disabled toilets
There are disabled toilets situated around the show site and in the disabled camping area. These facilities are for the use of disabled visitors only. If you can’t locate them, please ask one of our friendly staff and they will be able to direct you straight to one.
Assistance dogs are welcome
All Assistance dogs are welcome at Bristol Volksfest.
Disabled Camping
We have some reserved disabled camping pitches at BVF. If you would like a disabled camping pitch you must book this with us in advance. Please contact sales@bristolvolksfest.co.uk
Access for Carers:
All disabled customers visiting Bristol Volksfest are entitled to bring one carer, these tickets come with a 50% discount. This is something that needs to be organised prior to the event, as all carers require a ticket to enter the show.
To book a carer ticket please purchase all the tickets you need except the carer ticket. Please email the order reference together with proof of disability to sales@bristolvolksfest.co.uk. We will then send you a discount code that can be used against the carer ticket
When requesting a carer ticket please make sure you include your Full Name, the email address you used to book your tickets with and the booking reference number.
*Customers requesting carer tickets are required to provide an original copy of any of the following:
Confirmation of the Middle or Higher rate of disability living allowance
Confirmation of the middle or higher rate of mobility allowance
Confirmation of the middle or higher rate of attendance allowance
Confirmation of the middle or higher rate of severe disablement allowance
Confirmation that you are in receipt of the standard or advance rate of Personal independence payment (PIP)
Certification of being registered blind or partially sighted
A personal letter of support from your hospital specialist (dated within the last two months)
Access Card - https://www.accesscard.online/
The Organisers reserve the right to check a person's eligibility under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
Should you have any enquiries regarding the access and facilities at the event, please feel free to email us – sales@bristolvolksfest.co.uk