the drive in
Show & Shine
Free entry * cool trophies * quality
air-cooled & water-cooled cars & vans
Owners of accepted vehicles get FREE entry to the show, all we ask is that a donation is paid on arrival to our chosen charity.
FREE entry -
Day visitors: Driver and passengers will gain free entry.
Weekend visitors: Driver will gain free entry.
All additional passengers must purchase a ticket.
** REGISTRATION is NOW open **
Please read the following
information carefully
before applying to enter.
Fill out the form and upload at least four pictures of your vehicle. One internal, two external and at least one other image that highlights your ride.
Spaces are very limited. Entry closes Monday 4th May. If your entry has been successful, we’ll let you know by the 11th May. Once accepted we’ll contact you directly so that we can arrange your entry to the competition. We ask the accepted entrants to the Show & Shine give a donation to our chosen charity, the Great Western Air Ambulance, on arrival. Suggested donation is £5.
When uploading images please make sure you use images that best show off your ride. If the quality of the pictures aren’t good enough your application could be rejected. We also use your photos on social media, so it helps if you submit some good ones!
5 x Air-cooled, 5 x Water-cooled, 1 x Other
Special Awards:
Best in Show Air-cooled, Best in Show Water-cooled, Clive Allen Spirit of Dubbin’ Award, Peoples Choice and the BVF Top Choice.
Sponsors Awards:
Our Sponsors will also be picking their top choices and awarding trophies to those.
The Old Dub Shop, HD Paintworks & Simply Surf Bus.
Choose from one of three classes to enter
Air-cooled, Water-cooled and Other.
Other covers Porsche, Audi, Seat, Skoda as well as non VAG vehicles. When you register, please make sure you select the class you wish to enter.

SHOW & SHINE competitors
Entry for the Show & Shine is now OPEN.
Entry closes Monday 4th May
Daily Driver DISPLAY Sponsored by cruise to the prom.
This is ideal for those that want to show off their pride and joy but can only visit the show on the Saturday. It’s not a Show & Shine competition, it's a nice informal display for people that drive their VWs daily. This year we are delighted to have the incredible crew from CTTP organising the display
There's no need to pre-book, you just rock up on the day on Saturday, park up and enjoy the day. There will be a CTTP Choice trophy awarded to their favourite entry. The display will run from 10:00 - 14:00. If you’d like to be involved, head for the car park through the Green Gate and point your nose towards the main festival entrance.
More information on the Saturday displays coming soon. The Saturday displays take place in the main arena from 10:00 - 13:30.