If you are part of a club, whether new or long established, this is the camping area for you. Slightly more lively and closer the main show arena. Gather with other clubs on your own preassigned club space. We only allocate reserved pitches for clubs with a minimum of 10 pre booked vehicles.
Less than 10 is not a problem however. When you turn up you’ll need to find your own space in the unallocated Club Camping Field. Same club vibe, you just create your own space.
As long as Club tickets haven’t sold out, Sunday 18th May will be your last chance to get final numbers in for reserved club camping pitches. If you're part of a club of 10 or more vehicles and want to guarantee your space on their club pitch at Bristol Volksfest this June, that date will be your last chance - unless tickets sell out before, which happened last year.
The pitches we mark out for club camping will be based on the numbers booked up to the 18th May. If you miss the deadline you can either try and squeeze on with your club or pitch up in unallocated Club Camping.
When booking simply select your club from the drop down list on the booking page. Can’t see your club on there, let us know and we’ll add it to the list.
Private loos.
Clubs that book 10 or more vehicles can also benefit from booking a private loo.
New to the VW scene? Not yet with a club but want to camp in club? Send us an email.
For enquiries relating to any of the above, the email address you need is - sales@bristolvolksfest.co.uk